Kuttab Registration 2022-2023

Registration Form

It is very important to complete the 2022-2023 Kuttab registration by filling out the form below. This will give you access to our Parent/Student Portal, which will be your private and secure space.

For any help or additional information do not hesitate to contact us at Infos@Centre-IRN.com

    Parent Information

    Information on the child(ren) to be registered

    Child 1*

    Please enter a number greater than or equal to 5.

    Child 2*

    Please enter a number greater than or equal to 5.

    Child 3*

    Please enter a number greater than or equal to 5.

    Child 4*

    Please enter a number greater than or equal to 5.

    Make your choice of group

    Rules and conditions

    N.B. The school year includes all statutory vacations as well as official vacations recognized by the Centre de services scolaires de Laval. Also added are holidays for Muslim celebrations.The Centre LREC commits resources and materials to put its programs at your service and commits to staff and suppliers for the entire year. Therefore, if for any reason (transportation issues, family logistics, pandemic, confinement or forced closure by authorities of physical locations, etc.) a parent decides to terminate a registration before December 1, 2022, the first $200.00 paid for each child cannot be refunded or credited. After December 1, the full year's fees are due without credit or refund. In the event that the parent in question has an installment agreement, he/she is obligated to continue to pay the amounts due to the center according to the signed agreement and according to the term reached.In the event of a new health crisis, the administration of the LREC Center may decide without prior notice to give all or part of the courses remotely via the ZOOM application or other. This does not relieve a parent of their financial obligations. Thank you for your understanding, commitment and support.

    Subscribe to the Kuttab newsletter

    Sign up for the parent list to receive our communications about classes.

    Inscription Kuttab

    Thank you for registering for the Kuttab 2022-2023

    It is very important to complete the 2022-2023 Kuttab registration by filling out the form below. This will give you access to our Parent/Student Portal, which will be your private and secure space.

    For any help or additional information do not hesitate to contact us at Infos@Centre-IRN.com

      Parent Information

      Information on the child(ren) to be registered

      Child 1*

      Please enter a number greater than or equal to 5.

      Child 2*

      Please enter a number greater than or equal to 5.

      Child 3*

      Please enter a number greater than or equal to 5.

      Child 4*

      Please enter a number greater than or equal to 5.

      Make your choice of group

      Rules and conditions

      N.B. The school year includes all statutory vacations as well as official vacations recognized by the Centre de services scolaires de Laval. Also added are holidays for Muslim celebrations.The Centre LREC commits resources and materials to put its programs at your service and commits to staff and suppliers for the entire year. Therefore, if for any reason (transportation issues, family logistics, pandemic, confinement or forced closure by authorities of physical locations, etc.) a parent decides to terminate a registration before December 1, 2022, the first $200.00 paid for each child cannot be refunded or credited. After December 1, the full year's fees are due without credit or refund. In the event that the parent in question has an installment agreement, he/she is obligated to continue to pay the amounts due to the center according to the signed agreement and according to the term reached.In the event of a new health crisis, the administration of the LREC Center may decide without prior notice to give all or part of the courses remotely via the ZOOM application or other. This does not relieve a parent of their financial obligations. Thank you for your understanding, commitment and support.

      Subscribe to the Kuttab newsletter

      Sign up for the parent list to receive our communications about classes.

      Join our team of paid staff or as a Volunteer. Give joy and happiness to others.