About us

Were you witnesses when death came to Jacob and he said to his sons, "What will you worship after me? -They said, "We will worship your Godhead and the Godhead of your fathers, Abraham, Ishmael and Isaac, the One Godhead, to whom we are subject.

Surah The Cow, verse 133

In our fast changing world, knowing without doubt or confusion one's path and final destination becomes a crucial and pressing need. How then can we stay the course, hold on to the fundamental values of Islam and above all transmit the legacy of Rassoul ALLAH Peace and Salvation upon Him to our children.

The Centre Islamique de la Rive Nord pursues this noble goal by bringing the community together in a collective effort, hand in hand, and supported by its experienced teaching staff.

The Laval and Montreal community knows well the founder of this Center, Sheikh Sidi Mohamed El Alaoui, his great involvement with the youth and his love for teaching the Holy Quran for many years.

About us

Were you witnesses when death came to Jacob and he said to his sons, "What will you worship after me? -They said, "We will worship your Godhead and the Godhead of your fathers, Abraham, Ishmael and Isaac, the One Godhead, to whom we are subject.

Surah The Cow, verse 133

In our fast changing world, knowing without doubt or confusion one's path and final destination becomes a crucial and pressing need. How then can we stay the course, hold on to the fundamental values of Islam and above all transmit the legacy of Rassoul ALLAH Peace and Salvation upon Him to our children.

The Centre Islamique de la Rive Nord pursues this noble goal by bringing the community together in a collective effort, hand in hand, and supported by its experienced teaching staff.

The Laval and Montreal community knows well the founder of this Center, Sheikh Sidi Mohamed El Alaoui, his great involvement with the youth and his love for teaching the Holy Quran for many years.

Our mission:

  • Teaching the reading of the Holy Quran and its memorization.
  • Teaching the principles of faith in the love and worship of the One God Allah.
  • Teaching the Sunnah with love for the Prophet Mohammad Peace be upon him.
  • Make our children good responsible citizens, loving good works and charity. Children who value selflessness, peace, forgiveness, honesty, truth, tolerance and patience.

May Allah bless the good efforts of our entire community.

Salam Alaykom